Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Level Design-Finish!!

I finally finished my first level design project. I think I did a really good jobs of it because I never use "Unreal Tournament engine" before. In fact, I don't like FPS games, but this engine is for making FPS game (I never paly FPS game in my life)~~haha~~~by the way, software is tool for me, and what I have to do is to show my conpects through those software...Also, I think the result is wondful and fit to my conpect drawing. However, it still lacks some effects, such as bubbles and light beams. I hope I can do it better in the future!!
終於完成這學期的作業啦!這是我第一個Level Design, 要用到一個fps的遊戲引擎製作,其實我不喜歡fps 遊戲 而且根本沒玩過~不過!軟體只是表現我概念的工具,我認為,所表現出來的成果跟我的概念圖相距不遠,只差沒有泡泡跟一些光束的特效~希望在下一個project中能夠更深入且熟練的運用這引擎!




Sunday, October 11, 2009

Level Design- Art Board

It is a concept drawing for Environment Design class this quarter.
My idea is to create a casino in th seabed, and then I got an inspired from a Chinese novel - Journey to the West. The monkey got his wapon form East Sea Dragin King's palace, and made a huge chaos for the world of sea. How to create a environment that combines three ideas which are buildings in the seabed, casino, and east dragin palace will be my challenge for me. Also, we are required that we have to put all the environmnet in Unreal Engine,
我在本學期遊戲環境設計課中想要創造一個在海底的賭場,於是我想到了西遊記的大鬧東海龍宮,便把3種想法 海底建築+賭場+龍宮的概念結合,畫出此概念圖...想走卡通風^_^!此外,整個場景做好後需要放到遊戲引擎中運作才算完成~~需要大大加油啦!!


===3D Mock Up===

===Draft Lighting===

===Terrain A===

===Terrain B===

===Terrain C===

Those 3D models are just the mock up models. 以上3D 僅為模擬~非成品..

Friday, August 28, 2009

My final Project 3!!~NURBS car - VOLVO C30

Project 3. NURBS Car - VOLVO C30
This is the most difficult project in those three projects because of NURBS!!!
Also, I don't like cars at all. So I picked a car that I can see everyday= RYE's car=Volvo C30!
And Rye bought a 64:1 car model for me...
But the result was improssive! I have never thought about that I can create a car but using NURBS, but I did it!! hahahaha~~~
而且我真的不太喜歡車..所以我選擇了每天都可以看到的一部車..那就是rye的小壞人volvo c30!

My final Project2!!~A Real Life Painting

Project 2. A Real Life Painting...
This painting's name is A Vanitas Still which was created by Pieter Claesz.
I try hard to mock the mood from the painting, but it is not enough....
I only use MAYA for this project...I might add some texture by using Photoshop leater..
I spent more than 20 hours to create to skull...that is why my right hand is hurt now..>_<" Project 2. 3d擬真繪畫 此專題的目的是盡量模擬出原繪畫與真實材質的表現, 我只有用maya來render最後的成果,我想,如果再用photoshop上些雜亂的材質會更有感覺! 那顆骷髏頭花了我超過20個小時去建模...所以我的右手掛掉了...

This is the painting that I want to mock..原圖

My final Project1!!~punishment pinball game


Project1. a punishment pinball game...
A boy doesn't want to study, and he is dozeing during his study time. After he fall into sleep, a nightmare comes to him and brings him into a terrible dream. Everything on his table is a punishment tool which punishes him when he is dozing...
Project1. 瞌睡懲罰彈珠台...

The time is limited...I may make a funny animation for this project, if I have more time...

Saturday, April 25, 2009


終於可以回去了~囧 17天很短

1.基隆女中- 校門口旁邊的肉圓+燒賣
2.台大對面- 鳳城燒臘
3.羅斯福路- 李嘉x 燒臘
4.民權東路- 田野燒肉
5.松山路- 石碇公臭臭鍋
6.永吉路30巷- 早:盧家涼麵 中:咖哩飯or肉羹飯 晚:燒烤.意麵.花生湯.魯肉飯
8. 永春市場的腸粉
1.台中- 一中街 10元滷味
2.台中- 雞爪凍+豆干
3.台中- 一心豆干
4.台中- 興大旁的鍋貼
5.台中- 蘿莉炸雞
1.台南- 阿強的店 關東煮
2.台南- 赤崁樓對面 碳烤三明治
3.台南- 台南蔡(24小時) P.S 台北也有
5.台南- 赤崁樓對面 松村煙燻滷味
6.台南- 民權路 北京烤鴨

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Full of Energy

Full of Energy, a portrait, is a stylized human figure described about my Grammar class teacher. It was finished on Painter X, a computer program, and almost every computer in SCAD has this software. There are some points that I focused on which are facial expression, color and pose. First, the facial expression was the most important key for a successful portrait that makes the viewers can tell who the topic is. My idea came from one of my Grammar teacher’s photo which I took last year, and I fixed the face by adding my memory of my teacher. Then, I was tried to emphasize the color of my teacher’s hair which is red, and I wanted it to look bright. After that, I started thinking about what kind of poses that could represent my teacher’s personality. I have done several drafts, and finally figure out what I need. However, the biggest problem that the printer didn’t works well happened during my drawing progress. I spent two hours to fix my printer, and it took almost the same long as my drawing time.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Language of Art Final Artwork

為了Language of Art的期末上台報告,以涼州詞為發想,所練習的一幅作品. 動作與表情上還需要下很大的功夫!


4.value:不同圖層中 勾選保存透明度 即可在有上色範圍內做修改!  
6.豐富畫面:為了做出chinese painting似的效果,在背景放上書法字,並作細部調整.使用四個步驟 自我評論:

First, I would like to describe my art work. It is named “Helpless,” and it is created by computer surface- Corel Painter and Adobe Photoshop. The tools are Wacom tablet and Epson printer. In the artwork, there is a Chinese lady who wears traditional Chinese dancing dress and holding a wine jade glass, and there is a poem and a Chinese instrument-Pipa in the background. I used many express lines and warm/cool colors to create this artwork.

Second, for the analysis of my artwork, the focal point is the lady’s face, and I emphasize the focal point by using bright colors and express lines. A closure has given by contour lines at lady’s lips, ear, jaw, eyes and nose. Also, there is a strong contrast in lady’s red dress and the green background because red and green are split complementary scheme. I change the value form the edge to the center to emphasize to focal point, too. For the unity, I add some brown in the background and some green in lady’s ornaments to make this artwork unity. I use various kinds of yellow and green colors in the background and red for the lady, and these vivid colors makes this artwork more variety. The line of sight of this lady and the lines lady’s dress show the implied movement. This art has asymmetrical balance because the calligraphic in the background gives weight in the left side to balance the weight of the lady. In addition, textures are used in this artwork, such as the fur, rose, silky dress, shiny gold ornaments and the smooth skin of the lady.

Next, for interpretation, this artwork represents a feeling of helpless. The meaning for the poem is talk about an army was just return in triumph and had a party, and many girls danced for them. The solders drank and had fun with girls, but a sound from the papi came. After the sound, the solders must go to join the war again. They would like to enjoy this moment of drinking and dancing because no one know if they can come back from the war again or not. I want to represent the feeling of a dancing girl that feels helpless after the solders left. Maybe one of the solder is her husband or boyfriend. She dresses up and dancing for the man, but she need to take the lonely and sadness by herself after the man left.

Finally, for the evaluation, the result of the artwork is not bad, but I still need to work in many parts, such as the way of the lines and the colors I used, and I should fix some shapes perfectly. However, I really like the post of the lady because it is my first time to arrange this kind of composition, and it looks good.


*========Day 1========*

就在2008年的倒數3天~驅車前往 傳說已久(來到這裡聽到爛掉)的Antlanta~
幸虧是個大晴天 趁機在highway上多拍幾張照~

應該是在高速行車下 從路邊衝出被撞死的


終於到了事先預約好的 Quality Inn
價格.品質是找過附近旅館中比較划算的 一晚45+tax=50 us
======*先check in 過程超快速(3min 以內)

沒有豪華的內裝 不過簡潔.乾淨是最重要的!
開始到處逛逛之前 先要填飽肚子!
對於將近9個月沒吃到燒臘的我 天啊!!
只是價格是台灣的約2倍 好吃度是台灣的0.5倍
我點的是燒鴨飯(店裡寫是火鴨飯5.17 us)
老大點的是叉燒+燒肉雙拼(5.xx us)
另外在加上一盤干炒牛河(6.xx us)
結帳時一共是19.05 us 相當於台幣600元 還要加上小費 囧rz
但是 人在異鄉
可以吃到熟悉的味道 眼淚都快掉下了!!

最爆笑的是 居然遇到龍一.............還先擋了1美元

大吃一頓後 便開車前往 約30哩 外的outlet =>North Georga

和南卡的tanger outlat 比起來 這裡的店家比較多 而且密集
到達North Geogra Outlet的時候已經是下午3點了
沒想到晚上7點時 店家紛紛拉下大門
眼看沒啥搞頭了 只好去對面的Walmart買點東西當晚餐

*========Day 2========*
既然都已經花了50幾塊 怎麼可以貪睡 而錯過一餐呢!?

早餐後 便Check out 朝今天的目標-超市 前進!
沿路上看到一間叫做"鹿港小鎮" 的店......有點奇怪的感覺
先到號稱Antlanta最大的 Farmer Market晃晃
Farmer Market 主要是以賣世界各國的食材.調味料 為主
在這裡 我拎了一缸泡菜 (是個韓國媽媽推薦的)
也買了些壽司 不過韓國人說 =這不是壽司 這是紫菜包飯(請看左邊那一盤)
我左看右看 就是不知道差別在哪裡 @_@"
右邊那一盤 一類似麻糬的東西 但是 幾乎沒味道 覆蓋黃豆粉
當我拿去給外國朋友吃時....能接受的人 極少!!
加了些糖 味道好多了!!!

有賣飾品.越南菜.燒臘.珠寶.銀行.......當然還有 大華超市
在國外留學的華人應該很少不知道 "大華超市"
在大華超市內販售的 大都是中華料理相關的產品
雖然價格並沒有比Savannah的China Town便宜多少

逛了一陣大華超市後 發現要買的冷凍食品還不少!
於是決定改變行程 先前往市區填飽肚子

我們的目標是 The Varsity


在台灣的旅遊生活頻道 中有個節目常會介紹美國好吃好玩的
看到的當時就記錄下來 畢竟這離鄉村Savannah可以說是很近的點了!

到達The Varsity的時候有點被嚇到!
絡繹不絕的車陣 在Monday的下午很令人訝異
美國人 都不用上班的吼!?

The Varsity的停車場有2層
而在車上點餐的服務區 也是爆滿的!
幸運的找到車位後 便往店裡面去
紅色是The Varsity的招牌色
店裡爆滿的狀態 有點令人傻眼......
可能對面就是Georga Tech的關係
======*What do you have???

點好了東西會秀在電腦螢幕上 很方便!
第一次到店裡 當然要享受一下在店裡吃東西的氣氛
點菜單中看起來好吃四種熱狗 以及Chili Cheese Fries 和洋蔥圈
還有號稱最熱銷的飲品FO (柳橙冰沙)

我喜歡他們的沙拉+Chili 熱狗...
清爽的沙拉醬配上濃郁的Chili 組合成一種奇妙又有趣的口感
而且 他們的洋蔥圈 我這一生以來最贊的!!!!!!

此時 老大淡淡說了一句"以後有常來Anlanta的藉口啦!"

吃飽喝足 又外帶了4個不同種的熱狗後
不知怎麼的 就覺得這間ikea超大間
逛到腳的舊傷復發....>_<" ======*結束IKEA的行程後 在市區內閒逛(其實是因為要找甜甜圈 卻找不到)
又回頭到大華超市 以及Farmer Market 買齊冷凍食品
上了highway後 過了macon 便拐出第一個出口加油
雖然不過晚上7點 但是在完全沒有路燈的狀態下
加油站 是唯一看的清楚的建築物!
為何有人說 在美國 麥當勞 代表的不僅僅是速食

試想 在一片漆黑的12月寒冬公路上 車外冷風吹囂著
遠遠看到一個 溢著溫暖黃光的 "M"
