I finally finished my first level design project. I think I did a really good jobs of it because I never use "Unreal Tournament engine" before. In fact, I don't like FPS games, but this engine is for making FPS game (I never paly FPS game in my life)~~haha~~~by the way, software is tool for me, and what I have to do is to show my conpects through those software...Also, I think the result is wondful and fit to my conpect drawing. However, it still lacks some effects, such as bubbles and light beams. I hope I can do it better in the future!!
終於完成這學期的作業啦!這是我第一個Level Design, 要用到一個fps的遊戲引擎製作,其實我不喜歡fps 遊戲 而且根本沒玩過~不過!軟體只是表現我概念的工具,我認為,所表現出來的成果跟我的概念圖相距不遠,只差沒有泡泡跟一些光束的特效~希望在下一個project中能夠更深入且熟練的運用這引擎!




