My idea is to create a casino in th seabed, and then I got an inspired from a Chinese novel - Journey to the West. The monkey got his wapon form East Sea Dragin King's palace, and made a huge chaos for the world of sea. How to create a environment that combines three ideas which are buildings in the seabed, casino, and east dragin palace will be my challenge for me. Also, we are required that we have to put all the environmnet in Unreal Engine,
我在本學期遊戲環境設計課中想要創造一個在海底的賭場,於是我想到了西遊記的大鬧東海龍宮,便把3種想法 海底建築+賭場+龍宮的概念結合,畫出此概念圖...想走卡通風^_^!此外,整個場景做好後需要放到遊戲引擎中運作才算完成~~需要大大加油啦!!

===3D Mock Up===

===Draft Lighting===

===Terrain A===

===Terrain B===

===Terrain C===

Those 3D models are just the mock up models. 以上3D 僅為模擬~非成品..